Thursday, December 5, 2019

Methodology for Focus Group Discussion -

Question: Discuss about theMethodologyfor Focus Group Discussion and Interviews. Answer: Aims and Objectives The aim and objective of this section is to identify the method that was used for purposes of data collection, and explain the ethical considerations for this research. This section also examines the methods the researcher will use for purposes of achieving validity and reliability. It is important to note that if the result of the research is not valid or reliable; the outcomes of the research cannot be used. This section also aims at examining the sampling strategy that will be used for this research, and the expected outcome of the research. Study Design: The research design for this experiment is the use of the narrative approach. This is an approach that uses a sequence of events for purposes of developing and coming up with an answer to the research problem or question. These events include the use of focus group discussion, interviews, surveys, for purposes of collecting data that will in turn be analyzed to come with a solution that will help in answering the research problem (Matthews Ross, 2014). There will be a need of targeting specific people who should fill the surveys, such as educators, psychologists, parents and health practitioners. Interviews are also an important source of a narrative study design, and information from experts, concerning the effects of technology on the cognitive development of a child can help in providing an answer to the research question of this paper (Leary, 2016). Use of library research is another important tool for this research, and this includes analyzing a number of literatures that are talking about how technology influences the cognitive development of a child. Sampling Method: This is a study that would rely on critical case sampling strategies. Under critical sampling strategy, there will be a need of selecting a few number of populations, who are highly knowledgeable of the role of technology in the cognitive development of a child. Preferably, the focus will be on educators, parents and psychologists (Fowler, 2013). Educators are people who are spending a lot of time on children, and they are able to know the level of their cognitive development. Therefore, information that can be derived from educators touches on the level of cognitive development of children who have an access to technology. Data collected from psychologists is important because of they are professionals and they can explain the different behaviors of children, based on their exposure to technology. Parents on the other hand spend a lot of time with their children, and they are able to observe their behaviors and explain the level of their cognitive development (Creswell Clark, 2007). On this note the use of critical case strategy is an important sampling technique that can be used for purposes of generating high quality data and information on the role of technology in the cognitive development of children. This strategy was not only limited to primary method of data collection, but there was the use of this strategy under the secondary method. For instance, the data collected would be limited to journal articles, because of their reliability and relevance. The qualities of these articles are of high standard, since they are peer reviewed (Bryman Bell, 2015). Measure: For purposes of measuring the reliability of the data collected, the principle of correlation will be used. The research will have to correlate the information collected from different sources, for purposes of finding out whether the information collected is consistent or not (Hair, 2015). For example, the researcher will have to correlate the information obtained from primary research with that of secondary research, for purposes of finding whether they are consistent with one another. A sign of consistency is an indication that the data collected is relevant and reliable. For purposes of measuring the validity of this research, there will be a need of using the content criterion. Under this strategy, the researcher will analyze the contents of his research, for purposes of identifying whether all the criteria of the research was followed (Bryman, 2015). Procedure: This process will involve four steps. These steps are; Development of a research question. This involves coming up with a research problem or question that this research will seek to answer. The question should be based on the role of technology in the cognitive development of a child. Selection of data This is a process that involves collecting data from the different methods of data collection identified. These include data from surveys, interviews and journals. Organization of data This process will involve removing data that is not useful, and organizing data in a manner that it is easy to read, concise and clear. Interpretation of Data This is a process that will involve interpreting the data collected. It will also involve testing the information collected for validity and reliability. Ethical Concerns: This paper will observe ethics, and this includes obtaining informed consent from people who are participating in interviews and surveys. There will be an explanation on how information collected from them will be used (Zikmund et al, 2013). Moreover, the research will provide accurate citations of any borrowed words or information that is borrowed from journals. This will help in avoiding plagiarism. Analysis: The process of analyzing this data will be called content analysis. This will involve looking at the data collected, and analyzing them, for purposes of determining the content of the data manages to answer the research questions. Anticipated Outcomes: The expected outcome of this research is that technology affects the cognitive development of a child. Advances in information technology have made parents and teachers to rely on technology for purposes of teaching and interacting with children. Critical Evaluation: One of the major strengths of this research is the use of multiple sources for purposes of data collection. This includes the use of primary and secondary methods of collecting data. The result of such kind of a strategy is that the researcher will have a lot of information that can be compared with one another for consistency, hence achieving a sense of validity and reliability. However, one weakness of this research is the bias that the researcher has towards the role of technology on the cognitive development of the child. The researcher believes that technology negatively affects the cognitive development of a child, and the research aims at proving this point. However, taking a different perspective from this position would have enabled the researcher to focus on both the positive and negative effects of technology on a child, and come up with an answer to the research question. References Bryman, A. (2015).Social research methods. Oxford university press. Bryman, A., Bell, E. (2015).Business research methods. Oxford University Press, USA. Creswell, J. W., Clark, V. L. P. (2007). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. Fowler Jr, F. J. (2013).Survey research methods. Sage publications. Hair, J. F. (2015).Essentials of business research methods. ME Sharpe. Leary, M. R. (2016).Introduction to behavioral research methods. Pearson. Matthews, B., Ross, L. (2014).Research methods. Pearson Higher Ed. Zikmund, W. G., Babin, B. J., Carr, J. C., Griffin, M. (2013).Business research methods. Cengage Learning.

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